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Gamebryo 4.0

Gamebryo 4.0 is a hybrid game engine built from the best parts of the cross-platform, mature and robust Gamebryo combined with the technical advancements of the LightSpeed engine. The goal in advancing to Gamebryo 4.0 is to create a simple and efficient game creation environment to facilitate game development. Gamebase engineers have taken an innovative approach to simplifying the game development workflow while ensuring that high quality graphics run at great frame rates.


Key Components


AssetBuilder manages various assets of the game, including a streaming solution for managing large environments, packaging scenes that are independent of the locality and a single-object scene loader.

GamebryoMayaPlugin / GamebryoMaxPlugin

GamebryoMayaPlugin / GamebryoMaxPlugin provides a simple way of creating geometry, particles and animations quickly, with the use of the new Gamebryo Material node and a new referencing tool.

Tool Plugins

Tool Plugins contain the interface to write custom plugins. Two of the standard plugins are: SceneGraphOptimization (processes each of the scenes and optimizes the data) and MeshFinalize (reads the mesh profile and converts, compresses, swizzles and merges mesh data streams into a finalized format).


MaterialEditor exposes the interface to the material files that represent all of the parameters used for rendering, gameplay, physics and other variables such as material color.


SceneEditor displays a given scene file, which provides detailed information about the scene and the components within.


LevelEditor enables terrain creation, placement of references for scenes, lights and cameras, and the key frame of other variables such as positions.


GameCreator provides a simple interface to implement new game environments within seconds by using SampleGame as a template to modify scripts and code.