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Bethesda - Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is a nuclear-wasteland action role-playing game and received a number of Game of the Year awards.


Eight Swedish developers had one month to produce a tech demo and with Gamebryo sample source, they more than succeeded.

Ubisoft - PowerUP Heros

Ubisoft selected Gamebryo for PowerUP Heros, which turns your Xbox 360 avatar into a powerful superhero to face off in the ultimate cosmic showdown. PowerUP Heroes is the ultimate super power-infused full-body fighting game for Kinect.

Disney - Epic Mickey

Disney selected Gamebryo for Epic Mickey, an action/adventure game for Wii where Mickey fixes the world and fights the enemy with his magic paintbrush.

Start the Party

Supermassive Games selected Gamebryo for Start the Party, an augmented reality party game for the PS3 which utilizes PlayStation Move. Start the Party leverages Gamebryo to implement a wide variety of mini-games including painting and bug-swatting and supports up to four simeltaneous players.